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Adding company documents in the Mobile Application

Add news updates, work instructions or other useful documents for your employees. 

It is possible to add useful documents such as work instructions, dress codes or general terms and conditions in your employee's app. These are available at all times and can therefore already be reviewed by employees prior to a shift.

1. Add documents [Settings > Company information in the app]

Here you will find the heading 'Documents'. Add all files here. You can add a name and a description here, these are visible in the (mobile) app.

2. Change/Delete Documents

Still not satisfied or does something need to be adjusted? You can do this in the same screen. Go to ['the three dots' next to the document > Edit document]. Here you can change the name, change the description or delete the document. Click on the eye to view the current document.

3. Open documents
Go to [More > About us > Company documents]. Here you can choose to open and view certain documents.

Employees can find and only view the documents in the mobile app, they can never edit documents.

Note: Word files cannot be added, only PDF.