Adding documents

Useful for any additional information and tips for the employees

If you want to perfect your project down to the last detail, you can do this with the 'Add Files' buttons. To do this, go to [Database > Projects > Create project]. On the right side of your screen that you can add files. (See image below)

  • You can use the 'Add briefing document' to, for example, add a formal briefing so that you can inform your employees about what the project and/or the day will look like.

  • You can use the 'Add an extra document' to, for example, add an 'Employee Handbook' to your project. (This way you can more easily distinguish between documents that relate to all your projects and the documents that only apply to one project.)

  • The 'Add an image' button can be used to brighten up your project a bit. Not everything has to be black and white, of course. Add a nice image for your background or just a photo that indicates the correct entrance to the meeting point. The use is infinite!

Note: All file types you add here will only show up for the project you are currently creating. This will therefore never be for multiple projects at the same time.