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  2. Hour registration

Export your chosen selection

Exporting Hours

If you want a quick printout of all options available for reports at 'Hours', this can be arranged quickly at 'Settings'.

To do this, go to [Settings > Reports > Internal per Planning/External per Planning (Depending on your report) > Add Export Template].

(See image below)

Here you can create an Export Template. You can also create multiple Templates, so that each project gets its own export. Fast and easy.

If this is set, go to [Time registration > Per Schedule].

Once there, click on the 'download icon'.

(See image below)

Here you can then select the 'Export Template' that applies to your project. Actually very simple :).

Look out!
You can now also select 'other costs' when exporting 'Internal per Schedule' within the 'Hours'. This way you can immediately see how much public transport costs someone has incurred, for example.