Free fields for employees

Extra additions for specific employees

The free fields allow you to collect additional information from your employees. Think of information such as: eye color, hair color, or body type. These free fields can be filled in completely at your own discretion. You can see it as a kind of extra filtering possibilities!

  • To get started, you can add these free fields at [Settings > Admin]. By clicking on the 'New field' button, you can add new free fields. (See image below)

    All free fields that you have added in the settings can ultimately be filled in separately for each employee! To do this, go to [Database > Employees]. Select an employee and go to [Basic data > Free fields]. (See image below)

  • All free fields can also be imported. When you import new employees via Google Sheets, you can include the preset free fields. You do this by placing an asterisk * in front of the cell!

  • It is also possible to filter on free fields. You can do this, for example, in the Schedule Board, in the 'Employees' tab, and in Shifts! Choose the 'Extended filters' option for that! (See image below)