How can I archive a scheduled shift?

Is the shift not taking place or has something come up? Archive it.

It is always possible to remove information from the system. Use the 'archive' button for this.
The 'archive button' pops-up in multiple locations across the Fleks-environment when making a selection of specific information.

Be careful. When an employee has been scheduled on a shift, he/she will immediately be cancelled from the shift, and will also receive an email about the cancellation.

To archive a shift, go to [Database > Shifts]. Click on the Shift that you want to archive.
(Please see the image below for reference)
Screenshot 2021-12-14 at 10.36.44

When you want to unarchive something, you follow the exact same procedure, but in reverse.
(Please see the image below for reference)
Screenshot 2021-12-14 at 10.37.09