How do I archive and de-archive my data?

A quick article about how to archive and de-archive existing data within Fleks.

It is always possible to delete information from the system. Use the 'archive' button for this. This icon will appear in many locations within the system when you make a selection of your information. You can often quickly recognize the 'archive' button by the following icon:

(See the instructional video below for an explanation of how to archive)

Note: It is not possible to archive data that has been shared with a connection!

Help, I want to restore my data...

If you have accidentally 'archived' something, there is no reason to panic.

You can easily restore this. To do this, go to [Archive] and choose the correct product that you want to restore. You can often easily find the 'de-archive' button by the following icon:

(Please see the following video on how to de-archive)