How to archive a job?

Remove jobs from your database that are no longer needed.

It is at any time possible to remove a job from the Fleks environment. To do this, use the 'archive' button. This button pops-up at multiple locations within the environment, and can be used to archive almost anything. 

Be careful.
When archiving information, all information linked to the archived information will also be archived, eg: scheduled employees, open invitations, planned external employees.

When trying to archive information, select the right information that needs to be deleted, click the 'archive button' and accept. (Please see the image below for reference)
Screenshot 2021-12-14 at 09.15.24

Help. I want to return information to my environment that I had previously archived.
Within Fleks it is also possible to put archived information back in the system, by using the 'unarchive' button. To do this, go to the Archive, select the information that you want to put back in the system, and click the 'unarchive' button. (Please see the image below for reference)
Screenshot 2021-12-14 at 09.24.58