1. Help Center
  2. Hour registration

Introduction to hours

The place within Fleks where all worked hours and costs are registered.

Within 'Hours', all hours worked and costs of your employees are registered. We divide the hours the following four parts:

  • Open

The services in 'open' have been worked and the workflow has been completed. These hours await verification and acceptance. Read here what you can still do as a planner within this tab.

  • Accepted

This contains the hours of which the data has been checked and accepted from the 'open' tab. You can now start the salary run. Do you still want to change something first? See here how to do this.

  • Processed

Have you processed the salaries in your own remuneration system? Then you can change the status of the hours from 'accepted' to 'processed'. You cannot perform a payout via Fleks. Read the article about processed hour registrations here.