Linking pools to employees

How do I ensure that my employees fall into the right pool and that it is visible to them? 

To create a pool, certain Functions, Qualifications, and Training are required to be able to categorise employees. You can find out how to do that here. A pool ensures that only certain employees with the criteria you entered are eligible for the job where the pool is active! If you want to know how to link a pool to a job, click here.

  1. I assume that you have added everything in the Pool Manager and that you have added this pool to the job for which you want to use the pool!

  2. Now that everything is correct, you still can't find employees... This is because there are no Functions, Qualifications, or Training associated with employees yet.

  3. No problem, to add this to a specific employee, go to [Database > Employees]. Select an employee from the list here. If you are in the personal profile of this employee, go to [Basic data > Specifications], and click on the 'Add specification' button. Here you can choose and add any Functions, Qualifications, or Trainings you entered! (See image below)

  • The system now recognises which Functions, Qualifications, or Trainings are required in a certain pool, and automatically matches the employees with the same criteria!