Planning progress

A nice overview of your progress 

Just like in the Dashboard, the 'Planning progress' overview is also intended for quick access to information. With this overview you can see in an instant how many services are open, and what percentage of the available positions have been filled.

  • As you can see here in this test environment, multiple jobs are available. As it stands, 0% of the available positions are still filled. (See image below)

  • As soon as an employee is scheduled for this shift, the system will keep track of how many percent of this has been filled and displays it this in the bar. In the case of the bar shift, there was only one available position, so this project has been completely filled! (See image below)


Within the planning progress Fleks also offers the possibility to filter in certain services and projects. More information about this filter tool can be found here!

  • Done with planning progress? If you press the arrow at the bottom of the screen, you go back to the Dashboard!