Profile of employees.

In the profile you can find anything with regards to the employee.

Sometimes it is handy to see information per employee. For example, the agenda, total worked hours, total times not present, and the contract of the employee. To go to a specific employee, go to [Database > Employees]. Here you will find a complete list of all your employees.

After you clicked on the employee name, you will get to the Employee Detail Page.
(See picture below)
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Once you are at the profile page of an employee, for example the agenda at the first page.
The agenda is a quick overview of all planned in shifts for the employee, but also any days of unavailability. (See picture below)
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On the second page, you can see all the basic information of the employee. These are the general information topics, like name, birth date etc. Next to that, you can find information on the page like Travel Specifications, Login Credentials and the Specifications of the employee, like his/her skillset.
(See picture below)

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On the third page you will find the contract of the employee. You will also find all the credentials for the financial part of the contract, like the bank account number, passport and/or ID number, and documents about Payroll tax and Income tax. (See picture below)

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The entire work history of the employee can also be found here. Think about total worked hours, total salary and total times absent. (See picture below)
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You can also directly come in contact with the employee, by means of sending a personal message.
(See picture below)
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