The meaning of the workflow elements

What do all workflow elements mean and what can you do with them?

In the workflow you can indicate which parts the employee must carry out during the shift. You can create multiple workflows, so that your employees always go through the right elements at job-specific level.

In the workflow, you can change the order of your workflow by standing on the 2 hands, clicking, holding and then dragging to the desired location. (See image below)

All workflow elements must be checked in the small white box to the left of the workflow elements if you want to see them in your workflow. So you can decide for yourself which workflow elements you do or do not want to use.

(See image above)

  • Quiz

    With a quiz you have the opportunity to ask specific questions to the employee. The employee must complete the quiz to continue with the workflow. You create the quiz itself within the associated project.

    See also the following link: Quiz


  • Sign Up

    Have the employee register himself prior to the shift. This is possible from 3 hours before the service. You can indicate yourself from when this employee must register.


  • At location

    Let the employee check himself in when he/she is on site. Check-in for a shift is possible from 2 hours before the start of the shift and if the employee is within a radius of 3 km from the shift location.


  • Check in with QR

    Let your employees check in with a QR code at the coordinator/manager on location. This is done via the manager app.


  • Evaluation

    Have the employee write an evaluation after the shift. With the associated project of the job you indicate what the evaluation should look like.


  • Checking out

    Have your employees check out at the end of the shift. Fleks records the time of check-out. The 'check out' step is not GPS or time dependent.


  • Check out with QR code

    Let your employees check out with a QR code. The coordinator/manager on location scans the QR code via the manager app.


  • Declare

    Have the employee send a claim after the shift has ended. In the project of the associated service you indicate what the claim form should look like.

Ready to create your first workflow? Then go to [Settings > Admin > Workflow > Create a new workflow]

Good luck!