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  2. Hour registration

What does the processed tab mean within Hours?

These hours have been checked and payed.

Within the 'processed' view, you will find all the hours have been checked, approved and by hand or by invoice run have been transferred to the 'processed' tab. You ca however, still make corrections in this state, for example when hearing from one of your managers that an employee did not completely finish his/her shift. (Please refer to the image below)

Screenshot 2021-12-15 at 10.52.31

How does a correction work within the 'processed' tab?

When an employee has been paid too much or not enough, you can enter in a correction. The difference in negative or positive hours will then become a new open declaration.
When it is regarding the positive hours, then these will be paid on the next salary run.
When it is regarding the negative hours, then these will be accounted for on the next salary run.
Corrected hours can be recognized within the processed tab by the following icon:

(Please see the images below to see how to put in a correction)
Screenshot 2021-12-15 at 10.58.18

Screenshot 2021-12-15 at 10.58.31