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All icons within Fleks

Fleks uses a lot of icons, but what do they represent?

Within Fleks you often run into our icons. These are super handy to find your way within the Fleks-platform. In order to use them efficiently it is nice to know what they their purpose is. Please read the following information below for a quick guide on all the icons so that you can use them in your daily Fleks work routine.

  • The 'Search' icon. This is often used to sort your lists by search terms. For example, you can search by name, place or project.


  • The 'Option' icon. This icon is recognisable through its three dots. By means of this button you can indicate preferences that apply to your tabs. You also often see this icon when you hover over names, projects or services. If you ever come across the icon, don't forget to take a quick look. Perhaps you find something that could be useful to you.


  • The 'Reload' icon. This icon has been used on the web for years. It often stands for renewal, reloading websites or recycling. And so also within Fleks. If you change data within Fleks and quickly want to see a new overview of the changes you've made, without having to refresh the entire website, this icon is your best friend.


  • The 'Filter' icon. Within Fleks the choice is huge when it comes to using it, but every now and then you only want to see certain things without losing the overview. This icon is a handy tool for that. For example, filter by functions, start and end dates, employee zip codes, contract hours and even the current step of the workflow.


  • The 'Tab-Setting' icon. Within Fleks it is possible to set up everything in the way that works for you. Most of the time this is of course arranged in the general 'Settings', but if you want to adjust the tables, you can do that with this icon. For example, you can choose exactly what you want to see in the tables and what not.


  • The 'Export' icon. This icon makes itself recognisable by the well-known download icon. If you want to have an interim export of data, this button will pop up. You can export in many different places within Fleks, see for yourself which one works best for you.


  • The 'Connect' icon. Within Fleks it is possible to share services with previously created connections/organisations. With this icon you can copy the registration link to your own clipboard to be able to share it with a future connection. Sharing services has never been so easy!


  • The 'Archive' icon. Within Fleks you can archive everything you no longer use. With 1 click on the button you can transfer everything from your active database to the archive. Once in the archive, everything is inactive, and can no longer be used. No worries, you can also de-archive.


  • The 'Un-Archive' icon. If you want to use archived data again in your active database, you can easily restore it with this icon. Through this icon you can re-use previously inaccessible items again.


  • The 'Onboard' icon. Also an important icon within Fleks. With this button you can send the onboarding email to your employees. This contains a brief explanation of how to use Fleks, as well as their own username and password that they can use to login to Fleks.


  • The 'Categorie' icon. With this icon you can add functions, qualifications and training to employees very quickly, so that you can easily add them to a previously created pool.


  • The 'Duplicate' icon. The last icon within Fleks, but a handy one. If you want to easily duplicate projects or services, you can make a copy of the project or service with the click of a button. This saves time :)