Automatic scheduling without approval

Do you want employees to be able to schedule themselves automatically without approval? Read how that works here! 

Sometimes it can be useful to let employees schedule themselves without the approval of the client. This essentially creates a first come, first served job. Those who register first will have the job, without approval. In the case of shared jobs, this is the approval of the client, otherwise the planner.

Tip! This can be set in 2 ways. Per job or per project!

  • To add plans to a project automatically without approval, go to [Database > Projects > Choose a project]

    Within a project you go to 'Project settings'. Here you will find the widget automatically scheduling without approval. With the button 'Adjust this information', you can indicate whether you want internal or external employees to use this function. (See image below)

  • Within a project you go to 'Project settings'. Here you will find the widget automatically scheduling without approval. With the button 'Adjust this information', you can indicate whether you want internal or external employees to use this function.
    (See image below)

  • This is the same for Jobs. Follow the same steps as above, and click 'Job Settings' within a service. (See image below)

  • In this menu you indicate whether you want to give internal or external employees this option. Press save and done! (See image below)

Tip! If you set up automatic scheduling for a project, the system will keep this by default. If you nevertheless decide to want different settings for some jobs, you can adjust this at the specific job. The settings set in the job are leading!